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发布时间:2022-06-13   访问次数:3233


  2001年度上海市第七届曙光学者称号,2004年度教育部新世纪优秀人才资助计划,2009年度上海市育才奖;2010年享受政府特殊津贴,2012年度上海市优秀学术带头人,2012年度获上海市领军人才称号,2017年度江苏省双创人才,2019年获选华东理工大学 “汇贤学者”讲席教授,2019年当选欧洲科学院院士(外籍)。



   Tel/Fax: 021-64252062E-mail: jlzhang@ecust.edu.cn



1981, 9-1985, 7    华东理工大学应用化学系 本科

1985, 8-1988, 8    无锡电影胶片厂研究所 技术员

1988, 9-1993, 7    华东理工大学 精细化工研究所,获博士学位

1993, 8-1995, 9    华东理工大学 精细化工研究所,讲师

1995,10-1996, 9   华东理工大学 精细化工研究所,副教授(期间在东北师大留日预备学校学习日语)

1996, 10-2000, 9  日本大阪府立大学工学部,博士后(JSPS

2000, 10-2007, 1  华东理工大学, 精细化工研究所副所长,教授,博士生导师

2007, 1- 2016, 3   华东理工大学,化学与分子工程学院副院长,教授,博士生导师

2016, 4-现在       华东理工大学,“汇贤学者”讲席教授,欧洲科学院院士(外籍,2019, 07



   “Res. Chem. Intermed.副主编,“Applied Catalysis B: Enviromental”;  “Scientific Reports”; “J. Photocatalysis”国际编委;Inter. J. Photoenergy”客座主编;J.Nanotechnology”客座编辑;“影像科学与光化学”编委。担任“粒子输运与富集技术国防科技重点实验室”第一届学术委员会委员。The 13th Intermational Symposium on Eco-materials Processing and Design国际顾问委员;第六届国际环境催化会议组委会委员;任历届全国太阳能光化学与光催化会议组委会委员,第四届全国环境催化与环境材料学术会议学术委员会委员第五届介孔材料国际学术研讨会执委委员,上海市法院知识产权技术咨询专家,第五届东亚功能染料-先进材料学术会议学术委员会委员,自然科学基金评审专家,教育部回国人员启动基金评审专家,教育部科技奖励评审专家,中国博士后科学基金评审专家;教育部博士点基金评审专家;日本大阪府立大学客座教授,美国化学会会员







   已在Nat. Comm., Chem.; Chem. Soc. Rev.; Chem. Rev.; J. Am. Chem. Soc.; Angew Chem Int Ed; Energy & Environmental Science等国际一流杂志上发表论文400余篇,被引用21000余次,H因子为74。获2017年度上海市自然科学一等奖,2011年度工业和信息化部国防科学技术进步奖二等奖、2011年度中国核工业集团公司科学技术奖一等奖、2008-2009 最高论文引用率奖、环境科学类杂志大陆最高引用率奖、并于2005年获得教育部提名国家科技二等奖,2005年度上海市科技进步三等奖。入选“ESI高被引论文”(世界前1%30篇,“0.1%热点文章”6篇。连续入选Elsevier公布的20142015201620172018年度中国高被引学者之一,入选2018年度科睿唯安“全球高被引科学家”(Highly Cited Researchers)。参加和承担了国家973项目,863项目,国家自然科学重点基金和面上基金,科技部国际合作项目和上海市纳米项目60余项。

近期代表性论文(Selected Papers)

    1. Qiuying Yi, Jiahui Ji, Bin Shen, Chencheng Dong, Jun Liu, Jinlong Zhang and Mingyang Xing*; Singlet Oxygen Triggered by Superoxide Radicals in a Molybdenum Cocatalytic Fenton Reaction with Enhanced REDOX Activity in the Environment; Environ. Sci. & Technol. 2019 (in press); DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.9b01676

   2. Mingyang Xing; Bingkun Chen, Ji Feng, Wenjing Xu, Yaocai Bai, Yi Zhou, Chunyang Dong, Haizheng Zhong, Jinlong Zhang, Yadong Yin*, Confined Growth of Quantum Dots in Silica Spheres by Ion Exchange of Trapped NH4+ for White-Light Emission. CHEM, 2019, 5(8), 2195-2214

   3.  Qiaohong Zhu, Bocheng Qiu, Huan Duan, Yeteng Gong, Zengwei Qin, Bin Shen, Mingyang Xing*, Jinlong Zhang*; Electron directed migration cooperated with thermodynamic regulation over bimetallic NiFeP/g-C3N4 for enhanced photocatalytic hydrogen evolution; Appl. Catal. B: Environ. 2019, 259, 118078

   4.  Shiqun Wu, Xianjun Tan, Juying Lei, Haijun Chen, Lingzhi Wang* Jinlong Zhang*; Ga-doped and Pt-loaded Porous TiO2-SiO2 for Photocatalytic Nonoxidative Coupling of Methane; J. Am. Chem. Soc.; 2019; 141(16): 6592-6600

   5.  Zhenying Jiang, Lingzhi Wang, Juying Lei*, Yongdi Liu, Jinlong Zhang*; Photo-Fenton degradation of phenol by CdS/rGO/Fe2+ at natural pH with in situ-generated H2O2Appl. Catal. B: Environ. 2019, 241, 367-374

   6.  Liang Zhou, Juying Lei*, Lingzhi Wang, Yongdi Liu*, Jinlong Zhang*; Highly efficient photo-Fenton degradation of methyl orange facilitated by slow light effect and hierarchical porous structure of Fe2O3-SiO2 photonic crystals; Appl. Catal. B: Environ.2018, 237, 1160-1167

   7.  Jun Liu, Chencheng Dong, Yuanxin Deng, Jiahui Ji, Shenyuan Bao, Cuirong Chen, Bin Shen, Jinlong Zhang*, Mingyang Xing*; Molybdenum sulfide Co-catalytic Fenton reaction for rapid and efficient inactivation of Escherichia colis; Water Research; 2018; 145: 312-320

   8.  Chencheng Dong, Jiahui Ji, Bin Shen, Mingyang Xing*, Jinlong Zhang*; Enhancement of H2O2 Decomposition by the Co-catalytic Effect of WS2 on the Fenton Reaction for the Synchronous Reduction of Cr(VI) and Remediation of Phenol; Environ. Sci. & Technol.2018: 52(19): 11297-11308 

   9.  Mingyang Xing, Yi Zhou, Chunyang Dong, Lejuan Cai, Lixi Zeng, Bin Shen, Lihan Pan, Chencheng Dong, Yang Chai, Jinlong Zhang*, and Yadong Yin*; Modulation of the Reduction Potential of TiO2–x by Fluorination for Efficient and Selective CH4 Generation from CO2 PhotoreductionNano Letters, 2018, 18(6); 3384-3390

   10.   Xing, M.†; Xu, W.†; Dong, C.†; Bai, Y.; Zeng, J.; Zhou, Y.; Zhang J.*; Yin, Y*. Metal sulfides as Excellent Co-catalysts for H2O2 Decomposition in Advanced Oxidation Processes. CHEM2018, 4(6), 1359-1372

   11.   Waheed Iqbal, Bocheng Qiu, Qiaohong Zhu, Mingyang Xing, Jinlong Zhang*; Self-modified breaking hydrogen bonds to highly crystalline graphitic carbon nitrides nanosheets for drastically enhanced hydrogen production; Applied Catalysis B, Environ. 2018, 232, 306-313

   12.   Dong, C.‡; Lian, C.‡; Hu, S.; Deng, Z.; Gong, J.; Li, M.; Liu, H.; Xing, M.*; Zhang, J. Size-Dependent activity and selectivity of carbon dioxide photocatalytic reduction over platinum nanoparticles. Nature Commun.2018, 9(1): 1252.

   13.   Yan Xuefeng, Xu Yin, Tian Baozhu, Lei Juying, Zhang Jinlong*, Wang Lingzhi*, Operando SERS self-monitoring photocatalytic oxidation of aminophenol on TiO2 semiconductor, Applied Catalysis B, Environ. 2018, 224, 305-309

   14.   Bocheng Qiu, Mingyang Xing* and Jinlong Zhang*; Recent advances in three-dimensional graphene based materials for catalysis applications; Chem Soc. Rev.2018, 47, 2165 – 2216

   15.   Chencheng Dong, Jie Lu, Bocheng Qiu, Bin Shen, Mingyang Xing, Jinlong Zhang*, Developing stretchable and graphene-oxide -based hydrogel for the removal of organic pollutants and metal ions; Applied Catalysis B, Environ. 2018, 222, 146-156(高被引论文)

   16.   Mingyang Xing, Bocheng Qiu*, Mengmeng Du, Qiaohong Zhu, Lingzhi Wang and Jinlong Zhang*; Spatially Separated CdS Shells Exposed with Reduction Surfaces for Enhancing Photocatalytic Hydrogen Evolution; Adv. Funct. Mater2017, 1702624

   17.   Wenzhang Fang, Mingyang Xing* and Jinlong Zhang*; Modifications on Reduced Titanium Dioxide Photocatalysts: A Review; J. Photoch. Photobiol. C Photochemistry Review; 2017, 32, 21-39

   18.   Yuanxi Deng, Mingyang Xing* and Jinlong Zhang*; An Advanced TiO2/Fe2TiO5/Fe2O3 Triple-Heterojunction with Enhanced and Stable Visible-Light-Driven Fenton Reaction for the Removal of Organic Pollutants; Applied Catalysis B: Environmental; 2017, DOI information: 2017, 211, 157-166

   19.   Bocheng Qiu, Qiaohong Zhu, Mengmeng Du, Linggang Fan, Mingyang Xing* and Jinlong Zhang*; Z-scheme Typed CdS/Co9S8 Hollow Cube with Efficient Solar-light-harvesting Towards Synergetic Photocatalytic Water Splitting, Angewandte Chemie-International Edition;2017129, 2728

   20.   Bocheng Qiu, Qiaohong Zhu, Mingyang Xing* and Jinlong Zhang*; A robust and efficient catalyst of CdxZn1xSe motivated by CoP for photocatalytic hydrogen evolution under sunlight irradiation; Chem. Comm.;2017, 53, 897

   21.   Fenghui Liu, Jie Yu, Guangyuan Tu, Ling Qu, Jiacheng Xiao, Yongdi Liu, Lingzhi Wang, Juying Lei*, Jinlong Zhang*. Carbon nitride coupled Ti-SBA15 catalyst for visible-light-driven photocatalytic reduction of Cr (VI) and the synergistic oxidation of phenol. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2017, 201,1-11.

   22.   Dan Du, Wen Shi, Lingzhi Wang*, Jinlong Zhang*, Yolk-Shell Structured Fe3O4@ void@TiO2 as a Photo-Fenton-Like Catalyst for the Extremely Efficient Elimination of Tetracycline, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2017, 200, 484-492

   23.   Qiangfang Wu, Shenyuan Bao, Baozhu Tian,* Yifei Xiao and Jinlong Zhang*, Double-diffusion-based synthesis of BiVO4 mesoporous single crystals with enhanced photocatalytic activity for oxygen evolution, Chemical Communications, 2016, 52, 7478–7481.

   24.   Chunyang Dong, Mingyang Xing*, Jinlong Zhang*. Economic hydrophobicity triggering of CO2 photoreduction for selective CH4 generation on noble-metal-free TiO2-SiO2The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 2016,7, 2962-2966.

   25.   Chunyang Dong, Mingyang Xing*, Jinlong Zhang*. Double-cocatalysts promote charge separation efficiency in COphotoreduction: Spatial location matters. Mater. Horiz., 2016, 3, 608-612

   26.   Bocheng Qiu, Yuanxin Deng, Mengmeng Du, Mingyang Xing*, Jinlong Zhang*. Ultradispersed cobalt ferrite nanoparticles assembled in graphene aerogel for continuous photo-fenton reaction and enhanced lithium storage performance. Scientific Reports2016,6, 29099.

   27.   Xuefeng Yan, Lingzhi Wang*, Xianjun Tan, Baozhu Tian, and Jinlong Zhang*, Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy Assisted by Radical Capturer for Tracking of Plasmon-Driven Redox Reaction, Scientific Reports, 2016, 6, , 30193-30199

   28.   Wen Shi, Dan Du, Bin Shen, Chuanfeng Cui, Liujia Lu, Lingzhi Wang*, and Jinlong Zhang*, Synthesis of Yolk–Shell Structured Fe3O4@void@CdS Nanoparticles: A General and Effective Structure Design for Photo-Fenton Reaction, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2016, 8, 32, 20831–20838

   29.   Lingang Yang, Chuanfeng Cui, Lingzhi Wang*, Juying Lei, and Jinlong Zhang*, Dual-Shell Fluorescent Nanoparticles for Self-Monitoring of pH-Responsive Molecule-Releasing in a Visualized Way, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2016, 8, 29, 19084–19091

   30.   Lingang Yang, Lingzhi Wang,* Chuanfeng Cui, Juying Lei and Jinlong Zhang*; Stober strategy for synthesizing multifluorescent organosilica nanocrystals; Chem. Comm. 2016, 52, 6154-6157

   31.   X. Tan, L. Wang*, C. Cheng, X. Yan, B. Shen, J. Zhang*, Plasmonic MoO3−x@MoO3 nanosheets for highly sensitive SERS detection through nanoshell-isolated electromagnetic enhancement. Chem. Comm. 2016, 52, 2893-2896

   32.   Yi Zhou, Qiuying Yi, Mingyang Xing,* Lu Shang, Tierui Zhang* and Jinlong Zhang*Graphene modified mesoporous titania single crystals with controlled and selective photoredox surfaces, Chem. Comm.2016, 52, 1689 – 1692

   33.   Bocheng Qiu, Qiaoying Li, Bin Shen, Mingyang Xing*, Jinlong Zhang*, Stöber-like method to synthesize ultradispersed Fe3O4 nanoparticles on graphene with excellent Photo-Fenton reaction and high-performance lithium storage, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental,2016, 183, , 216-223

   34.   Lingang Yang, Lingzhi Wang*, Mingyang Xing, Juying Lei, and Jinlong Zhang*; Silica Nanocrystal/Graphene Composite with Improved Photoelectric and Photocatalytic Performance; Applied Catalysis B: Environmental;2016, 180: 106-112;

   35.   Bocheng Qiu, Minying Xing*, Qiuying Yin and Jinlong Zhang*Chiral Carbonaceous Nanotubes Modified with Titania Nanocrystals: Plasmon-Free and Recyclable SERS SensitivityAngewandte Chemie-International Edition; 2015, 54(36), 10643-10647

   36.   Ya Liu, Ping Zhang, Baozhu Tian* and Jinlong Zhang*; Core-Shell Structural CdS@SnO2 Nanorods with Excellent Visible-Light Photocatalytic Activity for the Selective Oxidation of Benzyl Alcohol to Benzaldehyde; ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces; 2015, 7(25), 13849-13858

   37.   Dianyu Qi, Xuefeng Yan, Lingzhi Wang* and Jinlong Zhang*; Plasmon-free SERS self-monitoring of catalysis reaction on Au nanoclusters/TiO2 photonic microarray; Chemical Communications, 2015, 51, 8813 – 8816; DOI: 10.1039/C5CC02468D

   38.   Yi Zhou, Yunchang Liu, Pengwei Liu, Weiyi Zhang, Mingyang Xing* and Jinlong Zhang*, A Facile Approach to Further Improve the Substitution of Nitrogen into Reduced TiO2-x with an Enhanced Photocatalytic Activity; Applied Catalysis B: Environmental;2015, 170–171,66–73

   39.   Juying Lei, Lingang Yang, Deli Lu, Xuefeng Yan, Chen Cheng, Yongdi Liu, Lingzhi Wang*, Jinlong Zhang*. Carbon Dot-Incorporated PMO Nanoparticles as Versatile Platforms for the Design of Ratiometric Sensors, Multichannel Traceable Drug Delivery Vehicles, and Efficient Photocatalysts. Advanced Optical Materials, 2015, 3(1), 57-63

   40.   Mingyang Xing, Jinlong Zhang*, Bocheng Qiu, Baozhu Tian, Masakazu Anpo, and Michel Che, A “Brown” Mesoporous TiO2-x/MCF Composite with an Extremely High Quantum Yield of Solar Energy Photocatalysis for H2 Evolution, Small, 2015, 11(16): 1920-1929, DOI: 10.1002/smll.201403056.

   41.   Xiao Li, Pengwei Liu, Yu Mao, Mingyang Xing*, Jinlong Zhang*, Preparation of homogeneous nitrogen-doped mesoporous TiO2 spheres with enhanced visible-light photocatalysis. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental;2015, 164, 352–359.

   42.   Liujia Lu, Fei Teng, SenTapas, Dianyu Qi, Lingzhi Wang,Jinlong Zhang, Synthesis of visible-light driven CrxOy–TiObinary photocatalystbased on hierarchical macro–mesoporous silic; Applied Catalysis B: Environmental;2015, 163, 9–15.

   43.   Bocheng Qiu, Yi Zhou, Yunfei Ma, Xiaolong Yang, Weiqin Sheng, Mingyang Xing* and Jinlong Zhang*; Facile synthesis of the Ti3+ self-doped TiO2-graphene nanosheet composites with enhanced photocatalysis; Scientific Reports 2015, 5, 8591

   44.   Jenny SchneiderMasaya MatsuokaMasato TakeuchiJinlong ZhangYu HoriuchiMasakazu Anpo, and Detlef W. Bahnemann*;Understanding TiO2 Photocatalysis: Mechanisms and Materials; Chem. Rev.2014, 114 (19), 9919–9986

   45.   Mingyang Xing, Fan Shen, Bocheng Qiu and Jinlong Zhang*; Highly-dispersed Boron-doped Graphene Nanosheets Loaded with TiO2 Nanoparticles for Enhancing CO2 Photoreduction; Scientific Reports2014, 4, 6341

   46.   Baozhu Tian, Rongfang Dong, Jinming Zhang, Shenyuan Bao, Fan Yang, Jinlong Zhang; Sandwich-structured AgCl@Ag@TiO2 with excellent visible-light photocatalytic activity for organic pollutant degradation and E-coli K12 inactivation; Applied Catalysis B: Environmental; 2014, 158, 76-84

   47.   Dianyu Qi, Liujia Lu, Lingzhi Wang*Jinlong Zhang*; Improved SERS Sensitivity on Plasmon-Free TiO2 Photonic Microarray by Enhancing Light-Matter Coupling;J. Am. Chem. Soc.2014,136 , 9886

   48.   Dianyu Qi; Liujia Lu; Zhenhao Xi; Lingzhi Wang, Jinlomng Zhang*; Enhanced Photocatalytic Performance of TiO2 Based on Synergistic Effect of Ti3+ Self-Doping and Slow Light Effect; Applied Catalysis B: Environmental; 2014, 160, 621-628

   49.   Mingyang Xing; Xiao Li; Jinlong Zhang*; Synergistic effect on the visible light activity of Ti3+doped TiO2 nanorods/boron doped graphene composite; Scientific Reports2014, 4 : 5493

   50.   Wenzhang Fang, Mingyang Xing, Jinlong Zhang*; A new approach to prepare Ti3+ self-doped TiO2 via NaBH4 reduction and hydrochloric acid treatment;Applied Catalysis B: Environmental; 2014,160-161, 240-246

   51.   Xing, M.; Fang, W.; Yang, X.; Tian, B.; Zhang, J.*Highly-dispersed Boron-doped Graphene Nanoribbons with Enhancing Conductibilities and Photocatalysis Chem. Commun.2014, 50, 6637-6640

   52.   Qiu, B.; Xing, M.; Zhang, J.*Mesoporous TiO2 Nanocrystals Grown In-Situ on Graphene Aerogels for High Photocatalysis and Lithium Ion Batteries; J. Am. Chem. Soc.2014, 136, 5852-5

   53.   Baozhu Tian, Tingting Wang, Rongfang Dong, Shenyuan Bao, Fan Yang, Jinlong Zhang; Core-shell structured gamma-Fe2O3@SiO2@AgBr:Ag composite with high magnetic separation efficiency and excellent visible light activity for acid orange 7 degradation; Appl. Catal. B: Environ.2014, 147, 22-28

   54.   Mingyang Xing, B. X. Yang, H. Yu, B. Z. Tian, S. Bagwasi, J. L. Zhang, X. Q. Gong, Enhanced Photocatalysis by Au Nanoparticles Loading on TiO2 Single Crystal (001) and (110) Facets The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 2013, 4, 3910.

   55.   Mingyang Xing, Wenzhang Fang, Nasir Muhammad, Yunfei Ma, Jinlong Zhang* and Masakazu Anpo; Self-doped Ti3+ Enhanced TiO2 Nanoparticles with a High Performance Photocatalysis; J. Catal.2013, 297, 236-243

   56.   Hongyu Yang, Feng Chen, Yaochao Jiao, Jinlong Zhang; The role of interfacial lattice Ag+ on titania based photocatalysis; Appl. Catal. B: Environ.; 2013, 130; 218-223

   57.   Mingyang Xing, Dianyu Qi, Jinlong Zhang*, Feng Chen, Baozhu Tian, Segomotso Bagwas and Masakazu Anpo; Super-hydrophobic Fluorination Mesoporous MCF/TiO2 Composite as a High Performance Photocatalyst; J. Catal. 2012, 294, 37-46

   58.   Deli Lu, Juying Lei, Lingzhi Wang*, Jinlong Zhang*; Multifluorescently Traceable Nanoparticle by a Single-Wavelength Excitation with Color-Related Drug Release Per-formance; J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2012, 134 (21), 8746–8749

   59.   Feng Chen, Xingxing Shen, Yongchuan Wang,Jinlong Zhang; CeO2/H2O2 system catalytic oxidation mechanism study via a kinetics investigation to the degradation of acid orange 7; Appl. Catal. B: Environ. 2012, 121, 223-229   

   60.   Yuxiao Niu, Mingyang Xing, Baozhu Tian andJinlong Zhang*; Improving the visible light photocatalytic activity of nano-sized titanium dioxide via the synergistic effects between sulfur doping and sulfation; Appl. Catal. B: Environ.2012, 115–116: 253-260

   61.   Juying Lei, Lingzhi Wang*, Jinlong Zhang*Superbright Multifluorescent Core-shell Mesoporous Nanospheres as Trackable Transport Carrier for DrugACS Nano2011, 5(5), 3447-3455

   62.   Mingyang Xing,Jinlong Zhang*,Feng Chenand Baozhu TianAn economic method to prepare vacuum activated photocatalysts with high photo-activities and photo-sensitivitiesChem. Comm.2011, 47(17), 4947-4949

   63.   Ye Cong, Baozhu Tian and Jinlong Zhang*; Improving the thermal stability and photocatalytic activity of nanosized titanium dioxide via La3+ and N co-doping; Applied Catalysis B: Environmental,,2011, 101, 376–381

   64.   Xiangqi Zhu, Jinlong Zhang*, Feng Chen; Study on visible light photocatalytic activity and mechanism of spherical Bi12TiO20 nanoparticles prepared by low-power hydrothermal method; Applied Catalysis B: Environmental,2011,102 , 316–322

   65.   Juying Lei, Lingzhi Wang* and Jinlong Zhang*; Ratiometric pH sensor based on mesoporous silica nanoparticles and Förster resonance energy transfer; Chem. Comm. 2010, 46(44), 8445-8447

   66.   Lin Jiang, Lingzhi Wang *and Jinlong Zhang*; A Direct Route for the Synthesis ofNanometer-sized Bi2WOParticleLoaded on Spherical MCM-48 Mesoporous Molecular Sieve; Chem. Comm.2010,4642),8067-8069

   67.   Jinlong Zhang,* Yongmei Wu,Mingyang Xing, Khan Leghari Sajjad and Shamaila Sajjad, Development of modified N doped TiO2photocatalyst with metals, nonmetals and metal oxides, Energy & Environmental Science.2010, 3: 715 - 726

网页发布时间: 2022-06-13