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发布时间:2024-09-18   访问次数:5735





E-mail: zjshen@ecust.edu.cn








2018/07-2020/09University of KentuckyCenter for Applied Energy Research, 博士后/访问学者





  1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,气流床气化煤颗粒表面灰渣理化行为与反应竞争机制及调控原理,在研,主持

  2. 国家重点研发计划项目子课题2项,CO2 与成型吸附材料能质传递强化技术研究、产物定向调控的低阶煤-污泥协同大型热解技术,在研,主持

  3. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,气流床气化炉熔渣层碳的赋存规律及与熔体的理化作用机理,结题,主持

  4. 上海市“浦江人才”计划(A类),粉煤/生物质高温共气化与闪速炼铁的耦合及强化研究,结题,主持

  5. 中国博士后科学基金面上项目,已结题,主持

  6. 中央高校基本科研业务费青年教师探索研究基金,已结题,主持

  7. 美国能源部国家能源技术实验室项目2项:“Ash Fouling Free Regenerative Air Preheater for Deep Cyclic Operation”,“Staged OMB for Modular Gasifier/Burner”,研究骨干,参与

  8. 钙基化学反应储热技术开发,企业委托,主持


  1. Yuxiang Cheng; Zhongjie Shen*; Yiru Yang; Qinfeng Liang; Haifeng Liu ; Development of a Redox Microtitration Method for the Determination of Metallic Iron Content in Reduced Micron-Sized Iron Ore Concentrate Particles, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B, 2022, 53: 807-815

  2. Xiaodan Bao, Ming Gong, Zhongjie Shen*, Jianliang Xu, Qinfeng Liang, Haifeng Liu. Study on the migration and structure evolution of the carbon in the slag layer and its effect on the coal slag transformation[J]. Fuel, 2022, 312: 122851.

  3. Xiaodan Bao, Zhongjie Shen*, Haigang Zhang, Qinfeng Liang, Haifeng Liu. Evaluation of the catalytic effect and migration behavior of potassium in the molten slag during the char/molten slag interfacial gasification[J]. Fuel, 2022, 307: 12188.

  4. Zhongjie Shen, Heather Nikolic, Landon S. Caudill, Kunlei Liu*. A deep insight on the coal ash-to-slag transformation behavior during the entrained flow gasification process. Fuel, 2021,289: 119953

  5. Zhongjie Shen, Jie Zhou, Xia Liu, Qinfeng Liang, Haifeng Liu*. A deep insight on the correlation between slag viscosity fluctuation and decomposition of sulfur-bearing minerals in the entrained flow gasifier. Energy, 2020,196:117049.

  6. Zhongjie Shen, Qinfeng Liang, Jianliang Xu, Haifeng Liu*, Kuangfei Lin. Study on the combustion characteristics of a two-dimensional particle group for coal char and petroleum char particles. Fuel, 2019, 253: 501-511.

  7. Zhongjie Shen, Liqi Zhang, Qinfeng Liang, Jianliang Xu, Kuangfei Lin, Haifeng Liu*. In situ experimental and modeling study on coal char combustion for coarse particle with effect of gasification in air (O2/N2) and O2/CO2 atmospheres. Fuel, 2018, 233: 177-187.

  8. Zhongjie Shen, Qinfeng Liang, Jianliang Xu, Haifeng Liu*, Kuangfei Lin. Study on the Fragmentation Behaviors of Deposited Particles on the Molten Slag Surface and Their Effects on Gasification for Different Coal Ranks and Petroleum Char. Energy & Fuels, 2018, 32 (9): 9243-9254.

  9. Zhongjie Shen, Qinfeng Liang, JianLiang Xu, Haifeng Liu*. Modeling study for the effect of particle size on char gasification with CO2. AIChE Journal, 2017, 63(2): 716-724.

  10. Zhongjie Shen, Xin Hua, Qinfeng Liang, JianLiang Xu, Dong Han, Haifeng Liu*. Reaction, crystallization and element migration in coal slag melt during isothermal molten process. Fuel, 2017,191: 221-229.

  11. Zhongjie Shen, Qinfeng Liang, JianLiang Xu, Zhenghua Dai, Haifeng Liu*. Study on the two-dimensional micro-scale crystal growth of a coal slag. Fuel, 2017, 205: 24–33.

  12. Zhongjie Shen, Qinfeng Liang, Jianliang Xu, Binbin Zhang, Dong Han, Haifeng Liu*. In situ experimental study on the combustion characteristics of captured chars on the molten slag surface. Combustion and Flame, 2016, 166: 333-342.

  13. Zhongjie Shen, Qinfeng Liang, Jianliang Xu, Haifeng Liu*. In situ study on the formation mechanism of bubbles during the reaction of captured chars on molten slag surface. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2016, 95: 517-542.

  14. Zhongjie Shen, Rixiang Li, Qinfeng Liang, Jianliang Xu, Haifeng Liu*. Effect of Cooling Process on the Generation and Growth of Crystals in Coal Slag. Energy & Fuels, 2016, 30(6): 5167-5173.

网页发布时间: 2024-09-18