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发布时间:2020-02-26   访问次数:18790











2023.01-至今         华东理工大学资源与环境工程学院       教授

2021.09-2022.12       华东理工大学资源与环境工程学院      副教授

2019.10-2021.08       华东理工大学资源与环境工程学院    特聘副研究员

2018.07-2019.09       日本东京工业大学环境社会理工学院   博士后研究员

2018.02-2018.07         瑞典吕勒奥理工大学能源环境所     博士后研究员

2016.07-2018.01       日本东京工业大学环境社会理工学院   博士后研究员

2009.08-2011.08        中国石化股份有限公司九江分公司      技术员


2011.09-2016.06      华东理工大学资源与环境工程学院 化学工艺  工学博士

2005.09-2009.07      西北大学化工学院 化学工程与工艺专业 工学学士


The International Journal of Coal Science and Technology》期刊副主编(中科院一区);


Applied Energy》“VSI: Biomass-Energy2021”特刊策划编辑(中科院一区);

FuelBiomass gasification特刊策划编辑(中科院一区)。





任含碳废弃物资源化零碳利用教育部工程研究中心副主任,中国科协“海智计划”特聘专家。担任International Journal of Coal Science and Technology副主编,Applied EnergyFuelEnergy等国际期刊编委、特刊编辑。长期从事生物质/煤气化的应用基础研究与技术开发工作。先后入选国家海外高层次青年人才计划、上海市海外高层次人才项目、江西省双千短期计划。主持国家自然科学基金优秀青年基金(海外)、国家重点研发计划政府间重点专项、国家自然科学基金面上项目、科技部重点研发计划课题等项目。截至目前在Nature CommunicationsFuel等期刊共发表论文100余篇,以第一完成人申报2023年上海市自然科学奖二等奖(通过终评),开发了撬装式生物质气化发电体系。所在的华东理工大学洁净煤技术研究所团队是国际上唯一一家拥有水煤浆气化、粉煤气化、富甲烷气非催化转化等工程化技术的研发机构,成功开发国内首套具有自主知识产权的大型煤气化技术,打破国外技术垄断,建成全世界单炉处理能力(日处理煤4000吨级)最大的煤气化装置。


指导本科班级学生获全国大学生节能减排竞赛全国一等奖(学校首次),第五届全国大学生可再生能源优秀科技作品竞赛,国家级二等奖,2022 年上海市青少年“双碳”方案提案大赛上海市三等奖等,2021年、2023年大创项目结题优秀;指导多名研究生获国家奖学金,国际留学生4



坚持“积极走出去,全面引进来”,基于合作项目、高峰学科计划与10名外籍专家建立科教合作关系;发表国际合作论文40余篇,指导日本东京大学研究生获中国国际“互联网+” 项目上海赛区金奖、季军,获专项赛优秀创新创业导师称号。


  1. Sun, Z.;  Chen, X.;  Kuo, P.-C.;  Ding, Lu*; Aziz, M., Co-feeding biomass and municipal solid waste for enhanced hydrogen and synthetic natural gas yields employing chemical looping process. Chemical Engineering Journal 2024, 493, 152487.

  2. Kuttin, K. W.;  Leghari, A.;  Yu, H.;  Xia, Z.;  Ding, Lu*;  Yu, G., Carbon dioxide-steam reforming gasification of carbonized biomass pellet for high syngas yield and TAR reduction through CFD modeling. Chemical Engineering Science 2024, 287, 119716.

  3. Cheng, C.;  Yu, J.;  Wang, J.;  Ding, Lu*; Yu, G., In-situ Raman spectroscopy study on coal pyrolysis and subsequent char low temperature oxidation and gasification. Chemical Engineering Science 2024, 285, 119619.

  4. Gao, M.;  Jang, Y.;  Ding, Lu*;  Gao, Y.;  Dai, S.;  Dai, Z.;  Yu, G.;  Yang, W.; Wang, F., Mechanism of the noncatalytic oxidation of soot using in situ transmission electron microscopy. Nature Communications 2023, 14 (1), 6256.

  5. He Q, Guo Q, Umeki K, Ding Lu*, Wang F, Yu GS*. Soot formation during biomass gasification: A critical review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. 2021;139:110710. (SCI 一区)

  6. Gao Ming, Xiao Yao, Chen Zhekun, Ding Lu*, Gao Yunfei, Dai Zhenghua, Yu Guangsuo, Krzywanski Jaroslaw, Wang Fuchen*. Comparison of physicochemical properties and gasification reactivity of soot from entrained flow gasification processes. Chem. Eng. J. 2022, 450, 136660. (SCI 一区)

  7. He Qing, Raheem Abdul, Ding Lu*, Xu Jianliang, Cheng Chen, Yu Guangsuo*. Combining wet torrefaction and pyrolysis for woody biochar upgradation and structural modification. Energ. Convers. Manage. 2021, 243, 114383. (SCI 一区)

  8. Raheem Abdul, He Qing, Ding Lu*, Dastyar Wafa, Yu Guangsuo*. Evaluating performance of pyrolysis and gasification processes of agriculture residues-derived hydrochar: Effect of hydrothermal carbonization. J. Clean. Prod. 2022, 338, 130578. (SCI 一区)

  9. Ding Lu*, Mingming Yang, Chinnathan Areeprasert, Xiaopeng Cheng, Xueli Chen, Fuchen Wang, Guangsuo Yu*. Analysis of micro-particle effect and methanogenic potential of food waste model compounds by hydrothermal pretreatment. Fuel. 2022, 331, 125686. (SCI 一区)

  10. Cheng Chen, Ding Lu*, Guo Qinghua, He Qing, Gong Yan, Alexander Kozlov, Yu Guangsuo*. Process analysis and kinetic modeling of coconut shell hydrothermal carbonization. Appl. Energ. 2022, 315, 118981. (SCI 一区)

  11. He Qing, Gong Yan, Ding Lu*, Guo Qinghua, Yoshikawa Kunio, Yu Guangsuo*. Reactivity prediction and mechanism analysis of raw and demineralized coal char gasification. Energy. 2021, 229, 120724. (SCI 一区)

  12. Ding Lu*, Yang Mingming, Mosqueda Alexander*, Wang Peiyao, Cheng Xiaopeng, Medrano Katleya. Gasification of binderless co-pelletized hydrochars from banana leaves and coconut sawdust. Int. J. Energ. Res. 2022, 46, 19233-19241. (SCI 二区)

  13. Ding Lu*, Yang Mingming, Dong Kai, Vo Dai-Viet N., Hungwe Douglas, Ye Jiahan, Ryzhkov Alexander, Yoshikawa Kunio. Mobile power generation system based on biomass gasification. Int. J. Coal. Sci. Techn. 2022, 9, 34. (EI)

  14. He Q, Raheem A, Ding Lu*, Xu J, Cheng C, Yu GS*. Combining wet torrefaction and pyrolysis for woody biochar upgradation and structural modification. Energy Conversion and Management. 2021;243:114383. (SCI 一区)

  15. Xiao Y, Raheem A, Ding Lu*, Chen W-H*, Chen X, Wang F, et al. Pretreatment, modification and applications of sewage sludge-derived biochar for resource recovery- A review. Chemosphere. 2022;287:131969. (SCI 二区)

  16. Ding Lu*, Yoshikawa K, Tamer M. Ismail*, M. Abd El-Salam. Assessment of the carbonized woody briquette gasification in an updraft fixed bed gasifier using the Euler- Euler model. Appl. Energ. 2018;220:70-86. (SCI 一区)

  17. Ding Lu, Dai Z, Guo Q, Yu GS*.Effects of in-situ interactions between steam and coal on pyrolysis and gasification characteristics of pulverized coals and coal water slurry. Appl. Energ. 2017;187:627-39. (SCI 一区)

  18. Ding Lu, Gong Y, Wang Y, Wang F, Yu GS*. Characterisation of the morphological changes and interactions in char, slag and ash during CO2 gasification of rice straw and lignite. Appl. Energ. 2017;195:713-24. (SCI 一区)

  19. Ding Lu, Zhou Z, Dai Z, Yu GS*. Effects of coal drying on the pyrolysis and in-situ gasification characteristics of lignite coals. Appl. Energ. 2015;155:660-70. (SCI 一区)Mosqueda A *, Wei JT, Medrano K, Gonzales H, Ding L*, Yu GS Yoshikawa K. Co-gasification reactivity and synergy of banana residue hydrochar and anthracite coalBlends.Appl. Energ. 2019;250:92-7. (SCI 一区)

  20. Ruksathamcharoen, S, Chuenyam, T, Stratong-on, P, Hosoda, H, Ding Lu*, Yoshikawa K. Effects of hydrothermal treatment and pelletizing temperature onphysical properties of empty fruit bunch pellets. Appl. Energ.2019;251:113385-94. (SCI 一区)

  21. Yu J, Guo Q, Ding Lu*, Gong Y, Yu GS*. Studying effects of solid structure evolution on gasification reactivity of coal chars by in-situ Raman spectroscopy. Fuel. 2020;270:117603. (SCI 一区)

  22. He Q, Yu J, Song X, Ding Lu*, Wei J, Yu GS*. Utilization of biomass ash for upgrading petroleum coke gasification: Effect of soluble and insoluble components. Energy. 2020;192:116642. (SCI 一区)

网页发布时间: 2020-02-26